About me…

Why are we even here? I guess this question pretty much sums up why I was always so anxious about life. This endless tendency of mine to wonder “why?” pushed me to try to find purpose in everything I did. We all want purpose. But sometimes, this quest for purpose can lead us to burn out, which is what happened to me several times since the end of high school. Why do we even want purpose? Isn’t it ok to just exist in this world?

I would say that art is, for me, a way to answer the last question as a proof that it is ok to just exist. It allows me to get my ideas that are stuck in my brain and unleash my creativity, without the need to be productive or to find a reason for what I’m doing.

I am a self-taught artist, which means that I did not go to art school and learned everything myself (thanks YouTube!). At the beginning, painting was a way for me to disconnect from the stress of my daily routine. I did not care so much about the way it looked. But, with time, I realized that I was actually talented and decided to start posting a bit of my art on Instagram. My friends and family loved what I was posting, so I kept doing it and buying more art material… and here I am now!

My favorite medium is definitely gouache. I also paint with watercolor sometimes, and I also enjoy other crafts such as collage and crochet.